Digital World
Digital marketing are tools used for promoting products and services through the internet. Digital marketing consists of a wider range of marketing elements than traditional marketing due to additional marketing options available on the internet. Digital marketing is also known as internet marketing, web marketing, online marketing and search engine marketing (SEM).
Deciding on which marketing methods to use can be difficult, particularly for companies with a limited budget. Do you go down the traditional path, or do you opt for a well-executed digital marketing strategy and get more bang for your buck?
As more and more companies reap the many benefits of digital marketing, we’re seeing marketing rapidly evolve into something much greater than we could have imagined a couple of decades ago.
Having been around so long, the wider public understands Traditional marketing. However, it has always been limited in what it can offer.
Traditional marketing strategies involve selecting a number of different mediums in which to promote your brand. As a result, mediums such as TV, radio, print and direct mail often get lumped together to analyse the strategy’s success, leaving it difficult to know which generated the most leads.
Would you fork out hundreds or thousands (and sometimes hundreds of thousands) for a strategy without being 100% sure every medium in your campaign was successful?
If you want a measurable strategy with accurate data, nothing compares to a sound digital marketing strategy. And as we rapidly favour digital over traditional in many aspects of our lives, it makes sense that we should put our efforts into marketing this way too.

A few points to convince you.
- Greater brand exposure
This is a distinct advantage of digital marketing, which is why it gets the #1 spot. You might be targeting a local audience but through a digital marketing strategy, your brand has the opportunity to obtain global exposure.
Although traditional print or radio marketing might be received right across the country, its reach is always limited to a certain degree. Digital marketing audience have no limitations, if you want to be recognised across the globe, the chance is there for the taking. The term World Wide Web speaks for itself… it is worldwide!
Whilst reaching a wider audience, you’re still able to ensure you’re targeting the right people. Targeting is a proven marketing tool that produces excellent results. With a digital marketing strategy, you can tailor your target audience to meet a variety of specifics you wouldn’t get with a traditional approach. The more accurate the data, the more valuable it is. So specifying your audience based on demographics, age, gender and interests will enhance your direction for future campaigns.
- It’s cost effective
A good digital marketing strategy is still an investment. But compared with the traditional alternative, the cost is significantly lower and the return is significantly higher.
Many smaller businesses simply don’t have the budget for a radio or TV ad. For these to be truly effective they need a medium to high rotation which only increases the cost even further. Even providers of traditional marketing media know that they can’t compete with the low cost of digital marketing. After all, what you might pay for a single TV ad could cover an entire digital marketing strategy.
The potential to reach thousands through a single post means the return on investment in digital marketing is also far greater than traditional. In fact, we don’t think it even compares. If executed well, even the smallest and most affordable digital marketing technique can see massive results.
Take social media for example, setting up an account requires little or no cost at all but your content has the potential to reach thousands. You decide what you want to spend to increase that reach even further. You then have the freedom to see how it goes and work from there.
With digital marketing the phrase “the more you put in, the more you get out” couldn’t be truer.
- Results are measurable and accurate
The range of insight tools on the internet make it easy to know how successful your digital marketing strategy was. Break your results down into specific demographics that provide the data you need to better understand your audience.
The results are complex and far more in-depth than you’d expect from a traditional marketing campaign.
What’s even greater about measuring your digital marketing success is receiving results in real time. This means you can see what’s working and what’s not and make necessary adjustments then and there to improve your end result. Nothing is set in concrete, you can change anything at anytime.
- Digital strategies allows easy access
The introduction of smart phones has reformed the way we go about our daily lives. Thought we had a high exposure to advertising before smart phones? That didn’t even scratch the surface of what we’re exposed to now.
Gone are the days of searching for a service in the Yellow Pages. Why would you when you can punch a few words into Google and find exactly what you’re looking for in seconds? This is the way we do things now so if you can’t be found, you could be losing customers to your competition.
- It’s interactive yet not intrusive
Whether it’s through commenting, sharing, messaging or subscribing, your interaction with your digital audience fast tracks you to solid brand loyalty. And there’s nothing like brand loyalty for securing future business.
With traditional marketing strategies, interacting with the audience often means forcing them into it. Very few people enjoy a telemarketing call at dinner time, or being stopped on their lunch break by a salesperson. The fact that your audience is able to choose how they receive your digital content makes them feel in control of the situation, thus happier about seeing it. Some might prefer reading, some might prefer visual content. They can see it however and whenever they want causing them zero frustration towards your brand.
Interacting with your audience personalises your brand and encourages conversation that further extends your reach. Every action you take to interact with your audience is a step to further brand recognition whilst enabling you to find out as much as possible about the people interested in your product or service.
Investing in some traditional methods can support your digital marketing strategy, but if you need to choose one over the other, it’s digital marketing for the win.
With a combination of SEO, content marketing and social media, we create digital marketing strategies that truly deliver results. You’ll be amazed at where we can take your business.

Summary of digital marketing:
– Growth potential
– Lower expenses
– Effective communication
– Greater control
– Better customer service
– Competitive advantage
Digital marketing combines the internet’s tools, including design, development, sales and advertising:
– E-commerce, Lead-based website, Social media, Search and Blogs to name a few.
Digital marketing has several advantages, including:
– Low costs: Large audiences are reachable at a fraction of traditional advertising budgets, allowing businesses to create appealing consumer ads.
– Flexibility and convenience: Consumers may research and purchase products and services at their leisure.
– Analytics: Efficient statistical results are facilitated without extra costs.
– Multiple options: Advertising tools include pay-per-click advertising, email marketing and local search integration (like Google Maps).
– Demographic targeting: Consumers can be demographically targeted much more effectively in an online rather than an offline process.
The disadvantage of Digital marketing is consumers are unable to try out, or try on items they might wish to purchase. Many companies have free shipping and generous return policies to assist with this. Still digital marketing has outsold traditional advertising in recent years and continues to do so.