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As we have entered the new year, we wish you all the best for 2021. The only way is up. Let’s be honest times are tough especially during this global pandemic. All of us face obstacles and lose focus or drive. As entrepreneurs, you’re faced with a lot of challenges every day and it’s hard not to feel powerless and scared sometimes. Being your own boss is a rewarding experience despite the challenges.
You can also have a look at our blog about keys to start your small business.
At TunedIn Marketing Solutions we’re always looking for ways to remain positive and inspired. Here is a few ways to stay positive in 2021 and to continue your work and instill positivity in the workplace for your employees.
– Talk to customers.
Talking to your customers is one of the best ways to get inspired. Not only does customer feedback help you find more ways to improve your business, it will also help you generate new ideas to reinvigorate your business. By opening channels of communication with current customers you’ll be able to provide for a better customer experience.
Positive customers reviews can also be a great source of motivation you can print out customer feedback and put them up against the office walls as a reminder of the positive impact you’ve had on other businesses. Ask your customers their favorite part about your business through Facebook or social media.
This not only increases customer engagement but it also gives you a chance to get to know your customers so that you can better market to them.
– Set or renew your goals.
If you’re feeling unmotivated, take some time to evaluate your current goals. If your goals are overwhelming you, break them down into smaller milestones to make them more approachable and manageable and keep re-evaluating them as your business progresses.
Motivation is easier when you’re working toward smaller, more realistic goals. While you are in the process of goal setting, remember to align your goals with your resources and bandwidth.
Be realistic about what you can accomplish and work in blocks of time. Use a Marketing Calendar to plan out your yearly marketing based on your goals.
– Reflect on why you started your business.
The next time you’re struggling to stay motivated in your business venture, step back and look at the big picture.
Looking back at where you started from is a good way to remind yourself of how far you have come and to measure how much you’ve already accomplished. Seek inspiration from your own small business success!
Thinking about why you started your business may be an effective motivational strategy for many business owners Ask yourself – what motivated you to start the business in the first place? Getting back to the heart of why you started your business can help motivate you to keep going!
Have a look at our blog about digtal marketing tips for small businsses.
– Seek business inspiration from your peers.
Having a network of entrepreneurs and small business owners to can be a valuable support system. Not only can you give each other advice and feedback, it’s also encouraging to hear hat you’re not alone in your challenges.
Join small business owners associations or go to networking events to build your connections. It’s also helpful to read about successful entrepreneurs and hear about the challenges that they have faced while building their business.
Some of the best small business success stories started with great challenges! Check out biographies of successful entrepreneurs or listen to talks by famous business owners to kickstart your small business motivation.
– Think about your business’s impact in your community.
Think about your business’s effect in the community and how valuable your contributions are. Think about your business as a catalyst for positive change – it has more impact in your community than you can even imagine.
Small business owners are known for being able to keep going against all odds but you don’t have to face your challenges alone. The tips above, especially when used in conjunction with your entrepreneurial spirit, can be powerful motivators to get you through even the toughest challenges.
If you have a marketing challenge, reach out to the TunedIn Marketing Solutions to schedule a free marketing consultation.
We celebrate one year since our first blog post. What a year it has been. Thank you for your support.